Rotaract Youth Leadership Awards 2015 in the Heart of Transylvania

2nd to 9th August 2015 / Cluj-Napoca, Romania

RYLA in the Heart of Transylvania
For seven days, creative experts sharing their ideas with you.

Any project aimed to empower youth within a society will lead to a better future, as someone well served by a community in their youth is more inclined to serve that community in return. The title itself makes a statement to the world that the Conference in question is of Europe’s most progressive in nurturing young leaders who are involved in bettering the world they live in, a connotation that lasts well beyond the given year.As a leader, Cluj-Napoca is the logical place to host any kind of large scale conference related to youth, not to mention the amount of international young people and leaders  who will have the chance to visit us. This also increases visibility and popularity for business to grow.RYLA in the Heart of Transylvania is a new project and it positions the city as a pioneer of this exciting opportunity, considering the fact that Cluj-Napoca is European Youth Capital for 2015. More than 200 youngsters from all over the world will be working to create a standard of excellence in leadership, communication, ethics, global citizenship and conflict management. For years to come, our city will be seen as the founding father of a movement towards a better leadership for youth and a more unified community in general.

More details: Ryla Transylvania

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